Geyser Bob's Yellowstone Park History Service
Serving the Greater Yellowstone & Surrounding Gateway & Historic Communities
Ole Anderson & Specimen Shop
Jennie Ash - MHS
Henry Klamer - OF
Whittaker Stores - MHS & Canyon
Pryor & Trischman - MHS & Canyon
Hamilton Stores - Parkwide
Haynes Photo Shops - Parkwide
Pryor & Trischman - MHS & Canyon

Click Here to view the article I wrote on Pryor & Trischman for the Spring 2002 issue of Annals of Wyoming. It is 15.5mb in size and the article starts on page 47. "A Tale of Two Sisters: Pryor & Trischman in Yellowstone in the Best and Worst of Times."  (the upper link is color and bottom is B&W)

Anna Trischman, Elizabeth Trischman, George Trischman, Anna Pryor, George Pryor, Pryor & Trischman, Yellowstone general stores, Ole Anderson, Specimen House, Devil's Kitchenette, George Whittaker, Charles Hamilton, Hamilton Stores.

Geyser Bob HomeHotels & LodgesCamps CompaniesTransportationNorthern Pacific RRStorekeepersGatewaysBios - Explorers, Exploiters & EnterprisersWritings of Robert V. Goss