Geyser Bob's Yellowstone Park History Service
Serving the Greater Yellowstone & Surrounding Gateway & Historic Communities
Ole Anderson & Specimen Shop
Jennie Ash - MHS
Henry Klamer - OF
Whittaker Stores - MHS & Canyon
Pryor & Trischman - MHS & Canyon
Hamilton Stores - Parkwide
Haynes Photo Shops - Parkwide
Ole Anderson & Specimen Shop

Also, please visit Ole Anderson on my Biographies pages.

Key Words
Specimen Shop, Specimen House,
Ole Anderson, Ole A. Anderson, Andrew Wald, Andy Wald, Coated Specimens, Sand Art, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone stores, Pryor & Trischman, Anna Pryr

Geyser Bob HomeHotels & LodgesCamps CompaniesTransportationNorthern Pacific RRStorekeepersGatewaysBios - Explorers, Exploiters & EnterprisersWritings of Robert V. Goss